Yogi Ramsuratkumar changed my life
One year ago on 27 December, 2017, I was invited to the 4 am Pradakshina in the
Yogi Ramsuratkumar Pradhan Mandir. The one hour Nama chanting and circumambulation
of the large hall was a profound experience. Following the lead of Ma Devaki,
beloved disciple of Yogi Ramsuratkumar, the rounds went quickly and were full of energy
and grace.
This was followed by Ma Devaki’s Satsang in the Grace dining hall with tea, coffee and biscuits. A welcome refreshment in the still early morning hours.
With a subtle blend of stories and insightful teachings Ma drew me into the world
of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Sitting among 20 or so Westerners I felt a little less the outsider
and more connected to Guruji. I imagined he himself would have done the same were
he still in his body. There are many stories about how he had welcomed and comforted
Westerners with his presence and teaching.
It wasn’t long before I experienced a tremendous attraction emanating from this place.
After several days the energy was clearly focused on the quote on the wall of the Grace
dining hall and the nearby photograph of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Suddenly I became lost in a transcendent grace that pervaded my entire being. As I read the words repeatedly,
hypnotically, a shift in perspective opened up a world where everything was God.
If you want God alone
Why do you accept
The existence of
Anything else? Yogi Ramsuratkumar
The wording challenged the last defences of my resistant ego;
the ‘you’ that separated itself from God. That ‘you’ once released melted and God alone
shone everywhere.
From that moment onward a clear direction was set to the magnetic north of Truth.
“Father alone exists. Nothing else. Nobody else.” Yogi Ramsuratkumar
In fact, what was formerly seen as other, people, places, and objects, became animated
by the same magnetic energy. Everything is God. Including the ‘me’ I thought I was.
I returned to my country and former life in January 2018.
Rapidly all the responsibilities and emotional attachments of my former life
resolved themselves. I did very little. Business holdings, family relationships,
financial and other obligations clearly and decisively ended.
The effortlessness itself was exhilarating. Within a month of leaving I found myself
back in Tiruvannamalai appreciating that heaven on earth had admitted me.
An outsider no more. I was Home.