WTF?! Free style ramblings of a 76 year old mystic. Truths, some lies and a lot of experience for when we realise we're piloting our Life without a manual N.B. Experiences include (random order) Catholicism, dysfunctional family, Zen, New Age, Mysticism, Yoga, Vedanta, Quakers, Drug & Alcohol rehab, AlAnon, Hippie, M.B.A., Healthcare, Military, 2 Children 1 Trans Female, Polyamory, Swinging, Minister, Activist, Long term Love relationships.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Monks and Mortality
The Time is Now
It has been 4 years since the last entry here. Maybe 5 years. Of course there is a reason.
I returned from my 3 month trip to Tiruvannamali, India in January of 2017. Don't really care exactly because it was the end of the life I had been living for almost 20 years. I guess at 76 the years aren't milestones any more.Anyway, the people I love decided, independently I hope, to say goodbye to me and asked me to leave them. Says a lot about me, for certain. I have always had ass-hat tendencies and I guess it all caught up with me at that time. No pity, maybe some judgement and overall a sense of relief.
Perhaps they sensed the longing in me to be quit of the drama, frequent and copious IMHO, that came with these relationships. I certainly didn't have the courage or power to leave them. Probably still don't. So there is a sense of gratitude that they took the final step for me. I have been free to travel the world since then and pursue my spiritual, intellectual and wanderer interests wihtout trying to fit them into my "life."
So, the time is now to begin writing again. What's going on, what do I see and experience and how does this world of 2023 look to someone born Mid Last Century?
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
So on 1 January, 2019, in the same place Yogi Ramsuratkumar directed me to stop speaking and enter deeper into silence.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Yogi Ramsuratkumar changed my life
Monday, December 17, 2018
Ways To Leave Your Lover
The answer is easy if you take it logically
I'd like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover
Sunday, December 16, 2018
No Do-Overs
The uneducated people are better than them.
The pride of acquiring Education, the desire for appreciation and fame are subject matters for discouragement.
That Education is not at all education and real knowledge.
The Education which paves the way for searching the Truth, the education which inculcates obedience in them is the superior education. It will make them humble and honest people to behave with a sense of equality towards all in the World.
If you've made it this far you must be fascinated by the above quote. Personally, I was attracted and repulsed by it. Now, a year later, I am attracted to the direction it indicates.
Let me explain.
I am very aware from personal experience of the pride, ego and desire that Sri Ramana introduces here. My education carried me through an MBA in a very conservative school that basically taught that greed was good. At the same time I was studying Zen Buddhism at the Rochester Zen Center, so was somewhat balanced, or confused, in turns.
Self-Inquiry can help destroy pride and ego. The suffering that comes with relationships based on self-will makes made me receptive.
It's the obedience that I always have a hard time with! I, for various reasons, have not trusted many teachers and superiors very much. So this came with difficulty to me.
Then I realized that I was an iconoclast, challenging cherished beliefs or venerated institutions on the grounds that they are erroneous or pernicious. It was a reflexive action, not a conscious choice.
I mentioned that suffering makes one receptive. That made all the difference and tipped the scales for me towards Self-Inquiry. It became evident that the more I pushed, tried to understand and came up with fixes and solutions, the more personal suffering followed. Not to mention the suffering my efforts brought to others.
Quite a shock to realize that all the evaluation, analysis and problem solving I spent my waking hours doing was not helping, and in many cases really doing harm to the ones I loved.
This didn't happen overnight. Unfortunately. My grip on coming to terms with all of this involved a lot of ''trying to understand" which, according to my oldest child, turned out to be a weird way of controlling others behavior through relentless questioning.
A client of mine then told me something that made sense. In difficult relationships don't Question, Suggest, or Advise. Unfortunately for me it was too little too late. They took my quiescence in a different way.
Now I'm quietly working on becoming a humble and honest person behaving with a sense of equality towards all in the world. Who Am I? is the question I ask to guide me.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Wealth and responsibility
Who is John Galt? |
With Ayn Rand, it was the late 1960's and I was sold on the idea of 'Atlas Shrugged .' I came to understand, I was in my 20's, that this was ego-centered, selfish behavior that was unsustainable in a life that included loved ones, family and an extended social circle. Being sold on the idea that I am the center of the universe and anyone that opposed my interpretation of events was a threat to my rugged individualism only lasted so long. Too many people had helped, and continued to help, me achieve my goals. That was an easy one to figure out.
A little more challenging was my experience in Graduate school in the late 1970's. I enrolled in the University of Rochester M.B.A. program to continue my career in health care administration. I enjoyed working with others in the hospital field to deliver quality health care in my community. Of course, I was young and on the rise in my organization and feeling great that they were giving me a recommendation and Fridays, with pay, to attend classes. The UofR program was staffed mostly with "monetarists" trained in Chicago by Mr. Freidman. It wasn't long before I was up against the same principles that Ayn Rand espoused, but with statistical and economic twists. It took me until my second year to figure it out but then my challenges to their teaching became somewhat disruptive; I wrote poems, made statements and left classes in a flurry of disbelief at the blatant propagandizing going on in the name of education. We were the elite and expected to swallow everything whole in order to advance in the corporate line-up. I declined.
The root of it all came into focus over the following years. In order to be successful at business one needed to concentrate on the details and ignore the bigger picture of life, not pay attention to anything that Ayn Rand wouldn't approve of. Developing a faith in the ability of the profit driven system to regulate itself was both a belief and a rationalization. By giving oneself to this mechanism one never had to question the outcome of ones actions nor come up with another justification for ones actions. This is what Mr. Greenspan held dearly to for so many years until the debacle of the banking collapse when he realized that greed trumped rational self interest.
Now we have a political movement overtaking the country based on these basic ideas, philosophies and economic theories with a large dose of anti-science and scapegoating thrown in. It isn't pretty and it isn't moral, or healthy, or good for the long-term good of the country.
I met a man who spent his health to gain his wealth, and then with might and pain, spent his wealth to gain his health, again.
When you collect your wealth using whatever means possible, one should endeavor to preserve it by being good to others. Keep some portion of it in reserve for charitable purposes. You might say that this is a process of atonement to maintain one's riches; a way to launder and atone for the actions taken to gain wealth with the exclusion of all else. This is more the way of the world, in fact.
In the pursuit of wealth most people neglect their eating habits, social interactions and family life; you have to follow a pretty strict regimentation if you want to stay rich. Then you have to spend it all to become whole again. Such is life.
Anger on either side of this transitional struggle will only deepen our divide. If you have an understanding of the shape of the problem facing us, then you are the one to begin building the bridge to the other side. It's those that have the tools that have to do the building.
So those with wealth in wisdom must share with those in the poverty of ignorance just as they expect those with wealth in riches to share with those in financial poverty. A way will be found... it always is, to come back into balance.
Many wisdom traditions of the East and West offer a different way of life that includes charitable giving of wealth and heart. It is by balancing out work life with our spiritual life that the puzzle is often solved.
"Money is a good servant but a bad master." F. Bacon
"Money is the means of exchanging love." W. Wilson